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World Nature Conservation Day 2022, Theme, History & Importance

 World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated every year on 28 July. World Nature Conservation Day aims to create awareness among the public about the conservation of natural resources like flora and fauna. To maintain the beauty of the earth, we have to take care of its resources. The primary goal of celebrating World Nature Conservation Day is to save the flora and fauna that are in danger of extinction. World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated to protect the environment for our future generations. Read the entire article to know the history, significance and theme of World Nature Conservation Day 2022.

World Nature Conservation Day 2022

Earth has provided us with basic necessities to live like water, air, soil, minerals, trees, animals, food etc. So we should keep nature clean and healthy. Conservation of nature is very important, many other factors including industrial development are responsible for its deteriorating condition. Everything we do directly or indirectly affects nature. That is why we should think before taking any kind of step that it will not have any negative effect on nature, etc.

World Nature conservation Day: History

  • There is no solid information about the history and origin of World Nature Conservation Day, it is completely unknown. The main objective of celebrating World Nature Conservation Day on 28th July is to come together and support nature, as well as avoid exploiting it. Conservation of nature is the judicious management and use of natural resources.
  • We know that due to natural imbalance we are facing various problems like global warming, various diseases, natural calamities, increase in temperature etc. Therefore, conservation of nature is very important for the next generation. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness among people around the world to understand the importance of saving resources, recycle it, preserve it and the ill-effects of damaging them.
World Nature Conservation Day: Significance

  • World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated for a sustainable planet. We need to protect our environment and its resources in order to survive in a healthy and stable environment. People believe that the resources available to them are unlimited but this is not true, the resources are abundant but not unlimited. We must remember that we are here only for a short time and that generations to come are to come. We should use the available natural resources responsibly and not waste it so that the coming generation can also enjoy the beauty of our earth and survive in a healthy environment.
  • Many programs and campaigns are organized to make people and community aware on World Nature Conservation Day because every person's contribution is necessary for the conservation of nature.
  • The sad thing is that organizations like the International Union for Conservation of Nature are important for nature conservation around the world, but even then we have not been successful in conserving nature.
  • In 1992, the 'Earth Conference' of 174 countries of the world was held in Brazil. After this, by organizing the Earth Conference in Johannesburg in 2002, many measures were suggested to all the countries of the world to pay attention to environmental protection. In fact, life on earth can be preserved only by the protection of nature, otherwise the life cycle of the earth will also end one day like the planets like Mars etc.
World Nature Conservation Day 2022 : Theme

  • The theme/theme of World Nature Conservation Day 2022 is "- Cut Down on Plastic Use". The theme of World Nature Conservation Day mainly highlights that the use of plastic should be reduced as high amount of energy and resources are used in the production of plastic which is ultimately responsible for carbon emissions and global warming. . The process of recycling plastics is very ineffective and only 9% of plastics are recycled after production.
  • However, the central government in India has banned the use of 'single-use plastic' from July 1. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change announced the ban in a gazette notification last year, and has now defined a list of items that will be banned.
What is Nature Conservation?

  • Conservation of nature means judicious management and use of natural resources.
  • Earth's natural resources include air, minerals, plants, soil, water, and wildlife.
  • Care and protection of natural resources is very important so that they can be preserved for the future generations.
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